Sunday, May 18, 2008

John 2

C.K. Barrett gives this short overview of the changing of the water into wine in Cana of Galilee.

A wedding feast, attended by Jesus, his mother, and his disciples, is the scene of the first miracle. Jesus, though he will not be hurried or dictated to, even by his mother, supplies handsomely a lack of wine by transforming the contents of six water pots. After the miracle, which is represented as taking place privately and as known only to a few servants and to the disciples, Jesus goes down to Capernaum to await the appropriate moment for beginning his public work.

The Gospel according to St John, C.K. Barrett p 156-157

Barrett points out a couple of interesting facts about this scene. He says Jesus public ministry opens at 2:13 and that 2: 1-11 is a private miracle. This insight helps me understand why Jesus would say my hour has not yet come yet go ahead and perform a miracle. It seems Jesus understood that his public ministry, his hour, was about to begin. He was waiting on the fathers timing. Turning water into wine in a private setting was not the beginning of the hour. No doubt it was a powerful sign to the new group of disciples about just who this man Jesus really was.2

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