Sunday, June 8, 2008

John 15:1

...and my father is the husbandman.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of you mind that you might know that good and perfect will of God.

God is the head gardener of the vine. The gardener decides where the vine is to be planted, which direction to grow the vine in, for when and how much to prune the vine, how and how much it is to be watered and nurtured.

Jesus was dependent upon Gods choices for all these things. The vine is our example. Everything in the natural has a supernatural correlation. So as Jesus was totally dependent on God for where he was planted, when he was pruned, how he was fenced in, how and when he was watered, when he was to be challenged by outside forces, so we are dependent on these things.

As we pursue Gods will by renewing our minds on Gods word, we recognize that our planting is not our choosing. It is the choice of the master Gardener, God himself.

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