Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The chosen place of revealing

This was the story of one of the most historic occasions in human history. God was about to reveal His glory through the God/man named Jesus. This was the first public miracle Jesus would do which would show the world that he was the Messiah.

If we were in Jesus entourage I wonder where we would plan this meeting for him.

God chooses a much different place than we would I think. Here is a quote from Ken Gire "That glory was not revealed at the imperial palace in Rome.  Or at Herod's temple in Jerusalem.  Or at the colonnaded Acropolis in Athens.  But here in an impoverished village of Cana, nestled away in an obscure corner of Galilee." 1

If Jesus lived in Texas we would think he would unveil his Glory amidst a throng of reporters on the steps of the capital building in Austin, or maybe at half time of a Superbowl being held in the new Cowboys stadium in Arlington, and yet it was more like the place I graduated high school in Southland Texas. Southland has a population of maybe 150. There used to be one local store and I'm not sure if it is still open or not. It was a place like Southland, Cana, at a local wedding that God chose to have Jesus glory revealed.  Cana was in close vicinity of Nazareth where Jesus grew up.

This is like God, who is not impressed by the structures of men, to reveal himself in a common place.

1 Incredible Moments with the Saviour, Ken Gire [Grand Rapids, 1990] p 6

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